Since my last post, policies and politics in the world and the US have changed dramatically.
Change for the worse?
People are fearful for their safety and whether they will make ends meet due to the high inflation of the past several years. Many are concerned over the fact that the federal government is spending money hand over fist, without a firm budget, and expanding the national debt now to almost 34 trillion dollars. (What could go wrong here?)
Others are worried about their safety due to their skin color, their religion or the fact that they do not hold the right opinions on a host of topics, including gender and politics. Many are concerned about the effects of an open border and the vilification of Jews and the Jewish state which is trying to defend itself. Others are afraid of China taking over Taiwan, Russia taking over Ukraine and possible other US involvements because of treaties the US has.�
Something Not Changing?
The narrative of “global warming” has yet to show signs of materializing while massive structural changes in the economy and peoples lives make them worried that there will be enough electricity after being forced to give up their cars, gas stoves, gas or oil heaters and other appliances. Climate change is normal and isn’t science fact, only science opinion. Add in continued inflation and this hits low and fixed-income people the hardest. Click here for new information.
What is Politics in the First Place?
Wikipedia says “Politics is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status.” The rule of law and its enforcement, in ways that protect the whole group and individuals, would seem to be a no-brainer. It has been a collaborative venture, but is there any agreement on national policies, national goals, or much of anything right now? Who is right? How can one tell who is spouting only the narrative that advances their own personal and tribal goals and who is full of wisdom?
Who has time to consider spiritual matters when they are worried about their survival and well-being? It takes time and effort, which is hard to find when the people in power do not have a spiritual moral compass. Civil society is based on a social contract and agreement on what is acceptable and what is not… and why. Most countries that wind up in trouble are those run by people who think they know what is good for everybody else.
Educational, financial and political elites tend to foster tribalism so that the tribe is now god and what is good for the tribe is what prevails, especially if it keeps the enemy tribe at bay. It’s US vs THEM and not WE. Human failings such as greed, anger, pride, lust, and envy (among the seven deadly sins) tend to pop up in this situation
It’s time to follow up on efforts to pursue Peace. We have noted in past blogs that the United States and many other countries are on the wrong track and are getting farther and farther away from the path to peace.
What is most important now is finding a way to bring people together. That is hard to do when Illumination requires finding Peace within.�
Paying Attention
Not everyone is paying attention and this is a requisite for a minority to take over a majority. If one side feels that they have been wronged, this often leads to civil war and some would say a COLD civil/social war has been in play for some time. It leads to a hot mess and chaos and that is the opposite of enlightenment. Hatred of one man is a sign that something is off and maybe NOT enlightened or spiritual in any positive sense.
Fixing this mess: Forgiveness and Extending our Love to All
The only antidote to this mess is love and forgiveness. We are all brothers and sisters and are part of the same Spirit. Harming another only harms one’s Self, the Oneness we share. The challenge here is to vote for people who will stand up for bringing us back together and bringing peace to the world. Peace through strength? Whatever happens, we need to be guided by our inner Guide, the Holy Spirit, if you will. Or, is it better to be guided by an elite one-sided group mostly interested in power, money and self-gratification?
Right now a free, fair and honest election could harness the collective wisdom of the people.