Category: Politiholic Blog

  • Who Should I vote for?

    Who Should I vote for?

    Any election, any race The first thing an enlightened person realizes is… that it doesn’t really matter. All will work out for the benefit of all concerned. The second thing is, in this illusion of separation, we have made choices at a deep level that are, a) temporary and b) are a meaningless illusion with…

  • Going Crazy

    Going Crazy

    It has been a while since we have posted here. A lot seems to have happened in the political world, to the extent that nothing seems the same anymore. To those without faith in the eternal Love of our Source, it can be very disconcerting. Losing it Politiholics are going crazy, and that’s saying something…

  • A Time of Transformation or Renewal?

    A Time of Transformation or Renewal?

    Since my last post, policies and politics in the world and the US have changed dramatically. Change for the worse? People are fearful for their safety and whether they will make ends meet due to the high inflation of the past several years. Many are concerned over the fact that the federal government is spending…

  • Enlightenment is Perhaps the Opposite of Politics.

    Enlightenment is Perhaps the Opposite of Politics.

    As such, being an enlightened politiholic is an oxymoron. We have talked about this before, but now the time has come to describe myself as an ex-politiholic. A politiholic by history and bent, but no longer a participant and no longer a frequent partisan judge of politicians. The truth is all people are brothers and…

  • What do “They” Want?

    What do “They” Want?

    LGBTQ+? “Straight?” Women? Men? Believers in God? Scientists? Atheists? People of Color? Undocumented Immigrants? Native Born Citizens? Racists? Scientists say that we are all one, the human race. A doctor can see anybody on the planet, no matter where they were born, what skin color, what religion they believe in, or who they love. It’s…

  • It Looks Like Evil Is Winning… and We Have Nowhere To Go

    It Looks Like Evil Is Winning… and We Have Nowhere To Go

    (All of the quotations in this blog are from “A Course in Miracles” and are here because they illustrate ‘deep truths’ that are not readily apparent to the unenlightened mind. To become enlightened, they must be considered.) When things look bad, it is a good time to go back to basic ideas about what is…

  • The Search For a Better World

    The Search For a Better World

    One thing that nearly all of us could agree on, is that we are seeking a world that is better than the one we find in our experience. If it was perfect, we would not need a government – they would have nothing to do. Why are people so unhappy? The trouble is, there are…

  • Should a Spiritual Person Become a Socialist?

    Should a Spiritual Person Become a Socialist?

    I have many friends who consider themselves spiritual and are support socialism and socialist candidates. Until just recently, socialism was anathema and totally unacceptable. Has something changed? Some no longer consider me to be a friend, even though my views haven’t changed. Enlightenment VS Socialism This discussion is coming from the point of view of…

  • Who ARE We?

    Who ARE We?

    Since, this is the “Enlightened Politholic,” let’s visit about what Enlightenment means. Enlightenment is Not Special It is not a snobby, guru thing and is the furthest thing from it. People who are enlightened are not special in the worldly way of thinking about it. People who are not enlightened are merely asleep. They are…

  • The Blame for the Shutdown

    The Blame for the Shutdown

    This is a classic Ego tactic – two sides blaming each other for the lack of agreement on a major issue, like what kind of country this should be. There is no such thing as being completely correct and the other side completely wrong – we won’t play that game here. There are always two…